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Greece - July 5 Referendum

Just Say NO?

The comparison has been made between Greece’s referendum choice on July 5 and the Greeks’ refusal to bow to Mussolini in 1940 (read Ambrose Evans-Pritchard’s excellent article here). That refusal has symbolic significance to the Greeks as they struggle with the prospect of even harsher austerity measures if they agree to another bailout from their EU creditors. However valid one considers this comparison to be, comparing the astrological charts of the two dates shows compelling similarities.

Below is the natal chart for Greece that was in force on October 28, 1940, the date that the Greeks stood up to Mussolini. The event of this natal is the Greek revolt against the Turks in 1821. 

Two aspects stand out: transiting Pluto at 4* Leo conjunct the progressed Sun at 29* Cancer, both square the transiting Sun at 4* Scorpio, AND transiting Moon and Neptune 26* Virgo opposing progressed Pluto 29* Pisces.

In the chart of transits and progressions to the current natal chart for Greece, we find the transiting Sun 13* Cancer conjunct progressed Saturn 15* Cancer (both on the natal Ascendant 13* Cancer) opposing transiting Pluto at 14* Capricorn. The transiting Moon is in Pisces, conjunct transiting Neptune.

Both charts have transiting Moon conjunct transiting Neptune. The Moon rules popular opinion; in the 1974 natal, Pisces (ruled by Neptune) rules the tenth house of government. Syriza has popular support.

Of even greater importance is the T-square formed by the progressed Moon 23* Pisces opposing progressed Mars and Mercury 23*-24* Virgo, with transiting Mercury 24* Gemini forming squares. The involvement of the progressed Moon, in Pisces with the transiting Moon, gives great weight to Syriza’s position.

The progressed Mars figures prominently in both charts also, pulling in the influence of the North Node and Hades. There is no good solution in the short term.

The Sun and Pluto positions in these charts form stressful aspects and show a strong sense of individualism rebelling against entrenched financial institutions and arrangements. The energy of the Sun is applied to transformation, albeit in desperate, combative way. The Greeks see themselves as being bullied by their creditors. They are ready to be rid of the situation, and may see their short term prospects as bleak no matter what they choose, but their long term prospects as being better without the yoke of the EU.

The Greeks said NO to Mussolini’s attempt to control them; the chances are quite good that they will say NO again on July 5, 2015.

Mary Schoeppel