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Venus Retrograde 2021



May 20 - June 19

Geminis could reap the most benefit of any of the signs from this Venus retrograde period. You have the opportunity to completely recreate your life due to the insights that Venus retrograde brings you. These insights won’t be “aha” moments; they are likely to be painful realizations about deep psychological patterns that you finally submit to exploring. But you must decide to dive into them, and then you must commit (yes, I know, that’s a word that strikes terror in the heart of a Gemini) to changing them. This requires not just digging, but shoveling out the sh-t. 

As a result, you may break away from your current life. It’s not just turning over a new page – it’s burning the book, finding pen and paper, and writing a new script as you go along. The purging/burning stage is scary, even terrifying. But once you get to the writing stage, it feels like an exhilarating adventure. 

You seem to have gotten yourself into a heavy situation over the past several years, as the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of 2020 was exerting its pressure. This could have been a hot sexual affair, a marriage, or a financial partnership or commitment, such as taking on lots of debt. Now you are sweating it, looking for a way to escape some of the demands that this bond places on you. It could be a case of “it seemed like a good idea at the time.”

Concerning intimate relationships, you or your partner may want to make a serious overhaul of the relationship; more than likely, it is you who desires this. You’re having second thoughts, maybe because a second chance with a former flame presents itself. It looks very enticing – but so did the situation you’re in, back when you decided to get into it. But there is a level of commitment that makes it complicated to just leave. Of course, you could just keep that reignited flame as a secret on the side. That looks tempting, too. But Uranus in Taurus is lurking in your twelfth house of illicit activity and self-sabotage, and as Venus rules Taurus, don’t fool yourself that you can get away with it indefinitely. 

Venus retrograde always throws karma in your face, Gemini, due to that Venus-ruled sign of Taurus occupying your twelfth house. With Venus cozying up to the dark overlord Pluto during this retrograde, however, you could at least stop yourself from creating more bad karma for yourself. Remember, Saturn at this time is impeding the freedom that Uranus wants to live. Allow Saturn to help you (he is in a favorable position to your sign, as he is in Aquarius) by emulating his self-discipline. Otherwise, Saturn will “help” you anyway, in the form of an external authority who won’t be seduced by your charms when he finds out what you’ve done.

You are worried – about money, about financing security in your life. Any arrangements you may have made in the past several years may need review and revision. You may discover hidden clauses that disrupt your plans. This probably resulted from a lack of careful scrutiny of these arrangements in the first place. You could make matters worse if you skim over problems again this time, accepting only partial answers or partial solutions. 

You are very sharp and nimble-minded, but some situations demand thorough, time-consuming, methodical analysis – and this is one of those situations. You are already tied in knots, it seems, with debt, perhaps layers of debt. With the position of Chiron, you may even have to return money to a large organization. 

This Venus retrograde of 2021-22 is an excellent time to disentangle these knots and put yourself on a path that will lead to security. Note I said “will lead to security” – you’re not out of the woods yet, babe. Anything that looks like a shortcut may lead you deeper into the thicket, rather than out of it. But we all know that Gemini loves shortcuts, because they seem to promise a way to quickly move on to the next enticing distraction.

It might be wise to get professional advice in sorting out your finances, especially if taxes or an inheritance are involved. A professional advisor will not only help you see your options, he or she will hopefully remind you to curb your enthusiasm and impulsiveness in a situation that might suddenly anger you. 

As the Venus-Pluto conjunction at the time of Venus turning retrograde occurs in your eighth house, which rules not only debt and joint financial assets, but also sexual activity, fear and emotional trauma, a past incident of sexual abuse, coercion or manipulation could rear its ugly head again. 

Be extra careful about your physical security from September 23 to October 23, 2021, due to the Sun-Mars conjunction that could put you in a vulnerable position. Don’t be gullible and let yourself be set up for abuse. 

Your daily situation may be tense with frustration from October 30 through November 19. You are desperate for release from a situation or a mental pattern, but strong obstacles prevent you from acting. Control your baser tendencies during this same time period. There could be serious consequences if you don’t. Relief will come between the lunar eclipse of November 19 and the total solar eclipse of December 4, 2021.

The need to uncover and heal from abuse or constraining relationships continues past the Venus retrograde period, into February and March 2022. Things you’ve hidden have to be discussed. This applies also to your finances, especially loans or situations in which you either offer support to another, or they have given monetary support to you.

This Venus retrograde offers you a chance for dramatic transformation. Plunge into it rather than skimming over it.